May 23, 2010

You're never bored when you're paranoid- the truth behind 9/11, part 2

Originally published September 12, 2008

This is the second part of a four-part series: for the other parts, click here: 1st part, 3rd part, 4th part

That was for the World Trade Center (actually there's more but I'll get back to it later); we'd think that our conspirators would be satisfied with it and leave it at that, but that's misunderstanding the philosophy of Rube Goldberg's disciples: when they want to indulge in the convoluted they mean business. For the Pentagon they would elevate elaborateness to a whole new level.

étape 6The original idea was of course to send another plane, but once again, why not flesh it out some? Hijacking an airliner and crashing it on the Pentagon may be more sophisticated than just planting bombs, but there's still room for improvement. So instead of an airplane, the conspirators decided to send a missile. They sneaked out that missile right under the nose of the Dept. of Defense – either a AGM-86D, or a Global Hawk spy plane which had beforehand been fitted with a charge specially designed with "BROACH" technology – camouflaged it with American Airlines colors, and discreetly brought it on a strip on Ronald Reagan Airport from where they fired it on the Pentagon. Meanwhile, flight 77 was hijacked and then just like flights 175 and 11 it proceeded towards the rendez-vous point with the missile, where they exchanged their radar signals by crossing paths so as to once again counfound air controllers.

step 7Meanwhile, a C-130 was following the Boeing, in order firstly to guide by radio the UAV-converted-to-Cruise-missile, and secondly to provide a visual distraction to the hundreds of eyewitnesses to keep them from realising that a 757 Boeing jumbo jet looks like a Cruise missile the way a fluffy rhubarb and quark clafoutis looks like an ass – which nevertheless wasn't enough to keep them from confusing one with the other.

step 8Even as the missile/spy plane was en route to the Pentagon, flight 77 was landing on an out-of-way strip and the scenario just repeated itself: slaughtering of the passengers, chopping off of the plane and returning to the crash site to place the pieces just in time for investigator Allyn Kilsheimer to find pieces of the tail, fuselage debris, flight recorder, shreds of uniforms and even body parts. Truely, they thought of every detail, down to the macabre.

step 9There still remained dozens of little details to take care of: knock down a couple of streetlights while everyone's back was turned to make it look like a Boeing went throught them; widen the impact crater on the wall to prevent any observer to wonder how a drone the width of a Boeing 757 would be able to leave a hole barely 25 meter wide; knock over an outside generator to create the illusion it was hit by an engine, get rid of all incriminating evidence left on surveillance video records where a missile would be visible... Regarding the hole, I'll concede they botched the job some, but hey, nobody's perfect. In falling dominoes competitions, sometimes it happens so that a piece refuses to tip over and necessitates a little nudge to keep the chain going. Let us deduct them 1 point and move on.

err...step 9One more important detail: they still had to make all traces from the missile disappear, on the crash site as well as in the army's inventory, who you no doubt imagine would certainly wonder how come they're missing a hundred million dollar drone, especially a modified prototype specially equipped with a technology that was still experimental back then – in other words, classified. Observe the remarkable efficiency with which they managed to cut through the DoD's legendary red tape, where as legend has it 7 forms and four weeks are required just to change a light bulb. The swiftness they showed in corralling all concerned personnel and ammassing all the relevant paperwork without leaving a trace is absolutely amazing, even supposing they had inside help.

Okay, Shanksville's is still up; to be continued tomorrow.

By the way here's a link that isn't particularly relevant, but is certainly ironic given the circumstances (look at the date)


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