December 23, 2010
Pimp my blog
Here's introducing the new and improved Toaster, now with 70% more bling! I just wanted to make the switch to Blogger's version 3, but when I found out I could create transparent backgrounds, I sort of got a little carried away. Not to mention rounding the corners; now my blog looks like a crossover between OS X and The Sports Network. In a nutshell it is full of awesome.
I spent three days on that; I loaded and reloaded the page so many times I went up about twenty ranks in the TLMB directory. If you ever wondered how comes absolutely crappy blogs manage to get in the top ten, well now you know their trick.
On that, have a merry christmas.
December 15, 2010
All ye Unfaithful
Christmas: it is a christian holiday right? Are you certain? You sure about that? Let's have a look, shall we?
For starters there's the date. December 25th was the day of Sol Invictus (Unvanquished Sun), a roman holiday of the winter solstice representing a composite of sun deities from various cults. It was not before the 4th century that it was assimilated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus. In fact the days preceding and following the winter solstice have been the object of rites and celebrations among just about every culture through Antiquity, and have invariably been associated with the worship of the Sun.
Then there's the tree. Germanic tribes venerated Yggdrasill, a mythical tree that held the world. To pay it hommage, kings hung sacrificial animals to tree branches, while the poor hung fruits or other offerings.
Father Christmas: well aren't we in some kind of mess or what. If the original Saint-Nicholas was a christian (and greek), he changed quite a lot along the centuries: norse mythology, germanic folklore, Charles Dickens all added their contribution. A certain Samuel Moore gave him his reindeers and sledge in a poem, an illustrator from Harper's Weekly caparisoned him in his red costume, a Macy's dept. stores ad campaign added a ninth reindeer (Rudolph), and another ad campaign, from Coca-Cola this time, fixed the portrait for posterity.
The confusion is such that hollanders don't even know to which saint they should turn to anymore: half of them offer gifts on Saint-Nicholas day (their traditional Sinte Klaas), half of them on Christmas (Santa Claus) and half of them on both. It's an epic clusterfuck, so let us just cut the gordian knot and proceed straight to the inevitable conclusion: Frankensanta here has jackshit to do with Jesus, and his origin is about as biblical as that of Barney the dinosaur.
The giving of presents: perhaps you think that the custom of exchanging gifts commemorates the offerings of gold, frankincense and myrrh by the three Magi to baby Jesus? Perhaps; but on the other hand, romans already held that custom during their saturnals.
Mistletoe? Sacred plants of the druids, it bears fruit during the winter solstice, and was used in their New Year rituals. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe comes from Scandinavia, where it was held to be the plant of peace; ennemies who met under a branch of mistletoe laid down their weapons and observed a truce for a day. And to make a long story short, the Yule log also is from the Scandinavians, as well as the Yule stockings hung on the chimney. And the Yule garlands. And the habit of singing Yule carols from door to door. And the word Yule (are we through already? Beginning to grind my gears, those scandivanian they are).
Now for the Nativity scene, or creche. Okay, there's Mary, Joseph, Joseph jr sorry I mean Jesus, we're seeing some relevance at last. There's also the three Kings of the Magi, even if they aren't really kings in the Gospel, nor does it tell us how many they actually were or what were their names. There's no ox or ass; there are angels, but probably no star – it would have appeared to guide the magi, but doesn't seem visible from the site as it is in fact the angels that marshalled the neighbouring shepherds to the site.
As for baby Jesus, the fact of portraying him as a one-year-old might be passed off as artistic latitude (newborn infants are not exactly picture pretty), but the baby blues and golden curls send us back again straight to the cult of the Sun God, especially Apollo. Cause, y'know, Jesus was like all the other hebrews: he was a brown dude and his eyes were pitch black.
So next time someone starts busting your chops with this whole "christian heritage" that is Christmas Day routine, chortle quietly and tell them to just fuck away.
November 8, 2010
So much hate
One practical aspect about some hate jokes is that they are permutable; all is needed to do is to substitute the target group to the one which piss us off the most, and the joke becomes much funnier. So here's a collection of jokes I gleaned here and there off the net, after correcting the numerous spelling and grammar errors (I'm starting to really believe the connection between hate and ignorance). Simply replace all instances of "you-know-what" with people that you personnally dislike.
Oh, come now, no need to look at me this way, you have one too, don't deny it; ethnic, religious or sexual minority, political opinion, sports team affiliation, economic class, profession, we all have a "you-know-what" towards whom all our lofty principles and moral outrage don't apply. If hard pressed, just use "pedophile", you can't go wrong with them, pedophiles are about the last minority on which it is still politically correct to indiscriminately bash upon. Nazis on the other hand, it may be tempting, but you really have to be a bag of bricks not to see the irony, so the fun gets spoiled somewhat – but then again there are many who won't really think twice about that.
So without further ado, here are the jokes.
How do you call 1000 you-know-what at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start
Do you know why you-know-what coffins only have two handles?
You've ever seen a trash can with four handles?
What's the difference between a dead you-know-what in the street and a dead dog in the street?
There are skidmarks in front of the dog
What's the difference between a you-know-what and a rat?
One is a loathsome vermin carrying repulsive diseases who enjoys wallowing in carrion and filth, and the other is a rodent
How do you call a you-know-what buried in concrete to the neck?
A concrete shortage
Where can you find a good you-know-what?
The cemetary
What's the difference between a you-know-what and an onion?
We cry when we cut the onion
A guy walks into a bar holding a crocodile on a leash; he asks the bartender "you serve you-know-whats here?"
The bartender answers "Yes, of course"
And the guys goes "Great, that will be one beer for me and one you-know-what for my crocodile"
How do you call a you-know-what with half a brain?
A you-know-what shows up at the Pearly Gates; St-Peter looks at him and says "Sorry, you-know-whats are not allowed in Heaven!"
- But I'm a good person! says the you know-what; once I gave 20 dollars to a beggar!
- That's it?
- Another time I gave 20 dollars to a foundation!
- Oh really?
- And then one time I found 20 dollars in a wallet, and I gave it back to its owner!
St-Peter is hardy impressed but he tells the you-know-what to wait and he goes inside to talk to God. After a couple of minutes he comes back and gives a wad of bills to the you know-what saying "Here's your sixty bucks! Now go to Hell!"
How do you get a you-know-what down a tree?"
You cut the rope
What do you-know-whats use as a contraceptive?
Their personnality
You are locked in a cage with a tiger, a rattlesnake and a you-know-what. You have a rifle but only two bullets: what should you do?
Shoot the you-know-what – twice
What's the difference between a you-know-what and a trampoline?
You take your boots off to jump on the trampoline
One time there's this guy driving a truck on the highway. He is the kind of guy who really enjoys running over you-know-whats with his truck, because like, he really hates them; every time he sees a you-know-what he just can't control himself, he has to squash him and scratch an X on his dashboard.
So one fine day he picks up this preacher who was hitchhiking. After a few kilometers he sees a you-know-what on the side of the highway; he's about to make a swerve to hit him but thinks the better of it and barely misses him; he casts a glance at the preacher and mumbles "I'm sorry rev. I don't know what got into me"; the preacher justs looks at him disapprovingly muttering "tut tut tut".
A little later he sees another you-know-what; again he makes for him only to change his mind at the last fraction of a second; again he looks sideways at the preacher and apologizes profusely; again the preacher shakes his head and goes "tut tut tut".
Some more kilometers later yet another you-know-what is standing on the shoulder lane. This time it's just too much, three you-know-whats in less than half an hour, it's a new record, he thinks, he just have to nail this one. So one more time he aligns his course to get him head-on, and one more time he changes his idea just before impact, but this time it's too late and he hears a boom while he sees in his rearview mirror bits and pieces of you-know-what flying all over the pavement. Mortified, he glances at the preacher who promptly starts admonishing him: "You're behavior is absolutely inappropriate my son!"
- I'm sorry reverend, please forgive me, mea culpa, I won't do it again!
- You ought to be ashamed of yourself! You almost hit two you-know-whats!
- Pardon me reverend!
- And if I haven't opened the door, you would have missed the last one as well!"
What's that? What is my you-know-what? Wait, you don't know? Why, it's you of course! No, not you, the other one behind. Yeah that's right, no use in hiding. Sorry to tell you that, I thought you knew.
September 27, 2010
Let them eat s... cake
At the last reckoning, the world population was about 6,8 billion; divided by 1 million tons, that gives 0,294 pounds, or divided by 365, 0,3656 grams per day. So if 100 millions tons of a given good is produced annually in the world, the equal share of each inhabitant comes to 36,56 g.
I went and perused production statistics of various basic food products. Some numbers dated back to 2006, and their accuracy is not always rigorous, but as a whole they give a rather good picture.
Whenever possible I substracted whatever was destined to cattle feed, or the production of ethanol fuel. So there is what each person on earth should be expecting to find on his plate every day:
23 grams of beef
35 grams of pork
6 grams of mutton
31 grams of poultry
19 grams of egg (about 1/4 of one egg)
44 grams of fish
200 grams of milk, 31 grams of cheese and 22 grams of butter
322 grams of vegetables and 135 grams of fruit
33 grams of maize
153 grams of wheat
36 grams of soy
149 grams of rice
152 grams of vegetable oil
If you have a hard time believing those figures, you are not the only one: I checked three times and I'm still convinced I fucked up somewhere, and if someone could point it out me where I would be very grateful cause I find it quite surreal that there are people starving to death on a planet capable of delivering nearly a kilo and a half to each and every one of its inhabitant.
I didn't factor in the food destined to pets; ah ha, here it is, the cause of world hunger, our cats and dogs. We should kill them all and eat them (yeah, I know, it's not funny).
As a closer, if each of the 6,8 billion earthling had a Toyota Prius, there would be enough gasoline at this moment to let each one of them drive 4,400 kilometers each year.
(and numerous others...)
July 10, 2010
Toaster meth
I went on a lark and searched the web for those infamous recipes for methamphetamine, a.k.a. crystal meth. Didn't take me long: first site I've found gave me about half a dozen recipes, and none of them were alike. They had one thing in common though: all of them had a list of ingredients postal enough to discourage anyone with an IQ over fifty to stay the hell away from this shit. I mean, no kidding, muriatic acid? Aluminum dissolved in sulfuric acid? Prying open lithium batteries? Scratch away the sulfur on match cartons??? ...And you smoke that?!?
I have the conviction there must be a plot conspired by some tenebrous power to wipe the fucktards from our society. Or unless it's merely a manifestation of the collective unconscious. Whatever the case may be, those recuring fads of toxic drugs, extreme sports, road rage and jackass-inspired behavior seem to be the end result of the sudden realisation on the part of certain individuals that they represent a regression for the genetic pool of the species and that they should try to terminate themselves before they have the opportunity to procreate and so to perpetuate their defective genes. Well while you're about it why dick around? Crystal meth, fah, that's for sissies: I cooked you up a little special blend of my own, you let me know what you think. Come to think of it, I don't believe you'll be able to let anyone whatsoever know what you think or anything else. So without further ado, here's my recipe for "toaster meth".
You will need
30 grams of cyanide
300 ml of curare
1 kilo of Cyclon B
20 grams of cobra venom
50 grams of strychnine
A couple of grains of enriched plutonium (optional: that's just for the bling)
3 doses of ecstasy
Take the ecstasy, and wait for the effect to kick in. When you feel full of energy and boldness, invincible, capable of anything, in a word thoroughly and utterly shitheaded, mix the cyanide, curare, venom and strychnine, add the other ingredients and let seep for a couple of minutes. Gulp down the plutonium rinsing it down with the mix, and in your throes of agony open the box of Cyclon B and good ridd... well, okay, maybe not. Let's just say happy trails, you're gonna go far kid, you're gonna fly so fucking high. Dude, I'm like totally tripping to the extreeeeme, I'm in your faaaaace!!!!
For those who worry that I may encourage youth suicide, I mean sriously, do they really need any encouragement at this point? Be honest, it was just a matter of time. And this way, they won't spent the next ten years trying to steal your credit card or cart away your TV set to the pawn shop.
June 25, 2010
Quiz: Are you stupid?
Directions: one, you answer questions. Two, you see results bottom page. Then, you send questionnaire to friend so friend fill too. We clear? You reading okay?
How would you describe the state of your general culture?
1) On hold
2) Disconnected
3) Vegetative
4) Blonde
5) You are my favorite blogger, I own all of your albums.
Do you struggle with orthograph? i.e. do you make many spelling errors?
1) Hey, you made a eror on "speling"!
2) You also made a eror on "eror"! Like, you should talk.
3) Only when I write
4) 2 mistakes per word, is that considered a lot?
5) Oh yes, I would like to have your orthograph
What is your philosophy in life?
1) I may not be pretty, but I ain't smart either
2) I think, so... err, therefore... I... think... errr
3) 36 C
4) Anything that looks good on a car bumper
5) Can you repeat the question?
Are you subject to cognitive dissonances relatively to sensorial stimuli from your psycho-affective environment, and how does it influence your level of awareness towards the upsurge of the new socio-cultural paradigms?
1) Er ...?
2) The what in what now...?
3) ......
4) ....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.....
5) Hi, I'm a first time caller, long time listener
Choose the sentence that best describes your intellectual capacities.
1) The light is on, but nobody's home
2) The wheel is turning, but the hamster's dead
3) I catch quickly, but I need to be explained for quite a while
4) The switch is turned on but the bulb is burnt out
5) Congratulations for your show
Here are six x-rays taken from various brains; choose the one that ressemble yours the most.

Answer true or false to the following questions:
I need an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes (True) (False)
I can't count to twenty without taking my shoes off (True) (False)
My intellectual quotient is a three digit figure, provided you include the decimals. (True) (False)
My ECG indicates "The number you are trying to reach is out of service" (True) (False)
Lastly, tell us who will sent this questionnaire to and why
1) To laugh together at the morons as a means of complicity
2) Because he (she) is a moron
3) I say 1) but mean 2)
RESULTS: If you answer any one of the preceding questions, you officially classify in the stupid category. Seriously.
June 20, 2010
43 presidents
The fact that the american presidents come from a variety of social classes and professions is no small pride to americans, who enjoy repeating the «anyone can become president» mantra. But if it's true that there has been about six or seven presidents who originated from modest or impoverished backgrounds, at least a dozen come from rich families if not outright aristocracy; in fact, 11 of them had another president somewhere in their family tree.
There are acquaintances that certainly don't harm: 15 had been card-carrying members of the Order of Freemasons, and 6 others are considered supporters. 2 were anti-masons (John Adams senior and junior), but that was almost two centuries ago.
And some prerequisites are mandatory: amongst the 43 presidents that the United States have had during its history, there had been
43 men
43 heterosexuals; no rumors of closet exists as far as I know.
43 whites, but there could have been some skeletons in the closet: according to some historians, 5 presidents had some black ancestry.
43 christians (42 protestants and 1 catholic)
0 atheists, or at least none have admitted so; but again, there could be some closet cases.
As for the governors, from a total of 1051, including colonies and territories:
29 women
4 asians, 3 blacks, 9 latinos, 0 native, 5 others/unknown
1051 christians, including 114 catholics; 0 self-declared atheists; in five states, it is still forbidden by law for an atheist to hold office.
And as you guess, 0 homosexuals.
3 out of 1051. Considering that african-americans account for 12% of the population, we come way short of representivity; as for catholics, they constitutes 23%. Christians total 86% of the population.
Fiction goes farther than reality, but timidly: of all the fictive presidents that Hollywood ever invented, only one to my knowledge has been portrayed by a black actor (Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact)*
And what about here in Canada? From 21 prime ministers, 15 were anglophones and 6 francophones.
In Quebec, 31 prime ministers: 2 anglophones and 29 francophones.
French speakers represent 20% of the canadian population, and 80% of the Quebec population. There is not a lot of countries where an oppressed minority has been so well represented in politics.
* Yes, I know now, there's also Dennis Haysbert in 24
Heptune: presidents list
National Governor Association
Premier ministre du Québec, site officiel
Teaching and learning about Canada
June 6, 2010
Top 10 reasons why I hate top ten lists
- 10 – Every one is doing it; it's a cliche as old as time itself, it's getting tired.
- 9 – It has no scientific value or no objectiveness whatsoever; people put whatever they feel like in their toplists in an unapologetically arbitrary fashion.
- 8 – It's too easy; any moron and his grandma can rig a toplist; all you need is a topic and ten platitudes to say on it.
- 7 – It's been done to death: from the top ten nose-picking techniques to the top ten reasons why the weather is nice, there isn't any theme left that hasn't already been the subject of a top ten list. The well has run dry.
- 6 – Too many people haven't really understood the concept and put two or three items in a single entry, so that their top ten becomes a top 11 or 12. Also, too many people wrongly assume that peddling self-derision will make their list less lame.
- 5 – The vast majority of toplists deal with topics nobody even gives a flying fuck about.
- 4 – U mai hav a toplist on ur skyblog but u wil b still a moron and u ll rite as bad lol
- 3 – It's obvious padding. From inept talk-shows to blogs desperately groping for a meme, toplists have become a crutch compensating for the lack of content. It is especially symptomatic of a blogger that ran fresh out of ideas and hasn't posted in like, about a month and a half.
- 2 – Toplists are more often than not made by pompous asses who figure that because they have a blog they can write whatever they want in it.
And the number 1 reason why I hate toplists:
- 1 – Because it's my blog and I can write whatever I want in it
Next time, the top ten reasons why my blog is falling apart at the seams
June 1, 2010
Think about it
You're still there? What do you want from me, a blog post? I'm busy, go to sleep. C'mon, hurry up, beddie bye. Allright, allright, quit looking at me with those sad puppy eyes. Here are some random observations on various subjects
If Coke Zero really has all the taste of regular Coke but without any calories, why do they still make regular Coke?
I heard somewhere that woman have a less developed spatial perception. But I don't agree: to manage to fully block a 10 feet wide supermarket alley with a cart that's barely 3 foot long by 1 feet wide, you need a hell of a spatial perception I'm telling you.
Woman allegedly put on make-up to please men; if that is true, why are we never seeing any guy in cosmetic ads, but there's always a mirror visible?
Is the host entirely assimilated by the digestive system, or is there some leftover? I mean, when a christian sits down on the commode on monday morning to take a shit, is there a little bit of the body of Christ getting out of his ass?
While we're on the subject, if God created man in his image, does that mean that God has an asshole?
The World Trade Center in Shanghai, which will be the highest skyscraper in the world, is gonna have a circular aperture near its summit. Did the architects thought about all the breakneck daredevil who will get in their head to go through that hole with their plane, their hangglider or God knows what?
The extra-terrestrials that conspired with the americans to supply them stealth technology, have they ever thought of using it themselves?
Athletes who are juiced are supposedly a minority. Is this minority more likely to be found in the middle of the pack, at the end of it or in the lead?
According to the principle of wishful thinking, if the players of a hockey team start to pray, they will win the Stanley Cup. So, if all the players from all 30 NHL teams start to pray, will they all win the Stanley Cup? The same year?
May 26, 2010
You're never bored when you're paranoid- the truth behind 9/11, part 4
This is the fourth part of a four-part series: for the other parts, click here: 1st part, 2nd part, 3rd part
Those amongst who courageaously put up with me all along – and presumably that's not saying a lot – must be getting a splitting headache trying to figure out who did what where to whom and who got paid. To be perfectly honest, you are not alone. So I will attempt to resume the whole deal with a detailed timeline of the September 11 conspiracy.
- ? – four Boeings painted with the colors of the two airline companies take off from a strip of which the exact whereabouts are still unknown; they will be the duplicates of four of the to-be-hijacked planes; three of them are fitted with missiles; a fifth plane, an A-10 Thunderbolt specially modified for air-to-air combat and repainted in white to simulate a private corporate jet, also takes off; it will become the duplicate of flight 93
- 07:00 to 07:45 – At Logan airport in Boston, three of the five pirates from flight 11 are selected for a security check-up; at Newark airport in New Jersey, one of the pirate from flight 93 is selected; at Dulles airport in Washington, two of the pirates from flight 77 are selected after setting the metal detector's alarm off.
- 07:59 – American Airlines flight 11 take off from Boston
- 08:14 – beginning of the hijacking of flight 11
- 08:14 – United Airlines flight 175 take off from Boston
- 08:19 to 08:44 – the conspirators call American Airline impersonating Betty Ong, a flight attendant aboard flight 11
- 08:20 – American Airlines flight 77 take off from Washington
- 08:20 to 08:44 – the conspirators call American Airlines' flight services impersonating Amy Sweeney, an attendant aboard flight 11
- 08:24 – Flight 11 changes course and heads towards New York; the conspirators send two radio messages pretending to be Mohammad Atta, one of the "hijackers"
- 08:26 – American Airlines flight manager Michael Woodward identifies three of the hijackers on flight 11 with the help of the seat numbers provided by the false Amy Sweeney
- 08:30 – flight 11 and its double meet and exchange their radar signatures
- 08:34 – the conspirators send a third message pretending to be Atta
- 08:37 – the conspirators contact an air controller pretending to be the crew of flight 175 and "confirm" visual contact
- 08:37 – NORAD scrambles fighters to intercept flight 11
- 08:42 – flight 93 takes off from Newark
- 08:42 – beginning of the hijacking of flight 175
- 08:44 – the pilot of US Airlines flight 853 receives a brief signal from an emergency locating transmitter (ELT), possibly from either flight 175 or flight 11
- 08:46 – flight 77 and its double meet and exchange their radar signatures
- 08:46 – flight 11's double crashes in the World Trade Center's north tower a fraction of a second after firing its missile
- 08:48 – CNN interrupt their broadcasting and begin live coverage
- 08:51 appr. – beginning of the hijacking of flight 77
- 08:52 appr. – the conspirators leave the practically intact passport of Satam al Suqami, one of the flight 11 "hijackers", on a sidewalk in the WTC vicinity
- 08:52 – two F-15 scramble from Otis base to intercept the phoney flight 11 unawares that it already crashed
- 08:52 – the conspirators call the United Airlines maintenance center in San Francisco impersonating a flight attendant aboard flight 175 of an uncertain identity, possibly Robert Fangman
- 08:52 – the conspirators call the father of one of the passengers of flight 175, Robert Hanson, impersonating him
- 08:53 – flight 11 lands in Harrisburgh
- 08:53 – flight 175 and its double meet and exchange their radar signatures
- 08:54 – flight 77's double changes course and heads towards Washington
- 08:55 – Delta Airlines flight 2315 narrowly avoids a collision with flight 175; another collision is avoided with flight 542 from US Airways
- 08:56 – air controllers lose track of flight 77's double's signal
- 08:57 to 09:32 – the Global Hawk catches up with flight 77 and starts following it
- 08:58 – flight 175's double changes course and heads towards New York
- 08:58 – the conspirators call the wife of a flight 175 passenger, Brian Sweeney, impersonating him; they also call his mother a couple of minutes later
- 09:00 approx. – three F-16 cut short an ongoing exercise and return to Andrews air base
- 09:00 – the conspirators call Peter Hanson's father a second time
- 09:00 and thereafter – Shafig bin Laden, Ossama's brother, attends a conference held by the Carlyle Group at the Washington Ritz Carlton
- 09:00 and thereafter – Mike Ballinger, a United Airlines dispatcher, proceeds to send a warning one by one to all the company's planes
- 09:01 – United Airlines flight 23 cancels its departure from John F. Kennedy airport in New York; the pirates on board start to protest loudly but eventually cancel their plans and flee; flight 23's double goes get lost God knows where
- 09:02 – flight 175 lands in Harrisburgh
- 09:02 – flight 93 and its double meet and exchange their radar signatures
- 09:03 – flight 175's double crashes in the World's Trade Center' south tower a fraction of a second after launching its missile
- 09:03 – NYPD chief Joseph Esposito puts the city of New-York on maximum alert status
- 09:04 – the FAA cancels departures from all airports in New York state and all the states of New England
- 09:06 – President Bush is informed of the crash of flight 175
- 09:07 – flight 93 lands in Harrisburgh, and the passengers of flights 175 and 11 are transferred aboard
- 09:08 – the FAA extends its flight prohibition to the entire US east coast
- 09:08 to 09:13 – the two F-15 from Otis base take an holding flight path east of Long Island
- 09:09 – flight 77 lands in Harrisburgh; the passengers are transferred aboard flight 93
- 09:09 and hereafter – the conspirators flood the airwaves with bogus hijacking reports to confuse air control
- 09:12 to 09:15 – the conspirators call the parents of Renee May, flight attendant aboard fight 77 and impersonate her; they intoxicate them with numerous contradictory informations
- 09:15 to 10:28 – two employees stuck on the 8th floor of WTC7 hear several explosions
- 09:20 – the conspirators call the husband of a passenger aboard flight 77, Barbara Olson and impersonate her; the husband is Theodore Olson, the Dept. of Justice general sollicitor
- 09:21 – the New York Port Authority closes all bridges and tunnels in the city
- 09:24 – the crew of flight 93 receives Mike Ballinger's warning
- 09:24 – Langley air base scrambles their jets
- 09:25 – the two F-15 from Otis air base finally arrive over Manhattan and commence air patrol
- 09:26 – the FAA grounds all departures across the nation, and orders all planes (commercial, private and even military) already in the air to land at the first reasonnable opportunity
- 09:26 – US Air Force raises its alert level to Delta
- 09:28 – beginning of the fake hijacking of flight 93; the pirates' entry in the cockpit is heard by Cleveland air controllers
- 09:29 – President Bush emits his first televised comments
- 09:30 to 09:45 – the conspirators call three times the wife of Tom Burnett, passenger aboard flight 93 and impersonate him
- 09:30 – United Airlines orders all of its airliners to land immediately; American Airlines will follow suit at 09:35
- 09:30 – three F-16 scrambles from Langley base and heads east towards the Atlantic ocean
- 09:31 to 10:06 – a private flight, ExecuJet 956, spots flight 93 and confirms both visual and radio contact, and even has to maneuver to avoid a collision; it will follow it until it crashes
- 09:32 – the controllers at Dulles airport find flight 77's signal back, unawares that both its double and the Global Hawk are flying right in its wake
- 09:32 – the conspirators send a radio message pretending to be the hijackers of flight 93
- 09:34 to 11:45 – the conspirators jam the radio signal emitted by Air Force One, interfering with President Bush's attempts to contact the White House
- 09:35 – flight 93's double changes course and heads towards Washington
- 09:35 – recordings recovered from flight 93's black box begin now
- 09:35 to 09:41 – the conspirators call United Airlines' maintenance center in San Francisco impersonating a flight attendant aboard flight 93, Sandy Bradshaw
- 09:36 – a E-4B from the US Strategic Command take off from an unspecified base in the vicinity of Washington and fly over the Pentagon to guide to Global Hawk's trajectory
- 09:36 – a C-130 who just took off from Langley air base approaches flight 77 to provide a false confirmation of its presence; it provides a visual distraction as well; after the crash, it will head for Shanksville
- 09:37 – The Global crashes in the western wall of the Pentagon while flight 77's double continues on its course over the complex and towards Ronald Reagan airport a kilometer further ahead
- 09:37 to 10:03 – the conspirators call several friends and relatives of passengers aboard flight 93 and impersonate them all, most notably Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick and Mark Bingham
- 09:38 – the conspirators knock over a couple of streetlights on Washington Blvd
- 09:38 – a fire squad from Ronald Reagan airport who was helping on the scene of an auto accident near the airport is redirected to the Pentagon
- 09:38 and hereafter – FBI agents seize the recordings from the security camera in commercial buildings nearby the Pentagon
- 09:38 or 09:45 – anti-terrorist agency director Richard Clarke ask for air patrols over all major cities in the United States; however it's not certain if that order was transmitted to everyone
- 09:39 approx. – flight 77's double discreetly lands on Ronald Reagan airport, where it is hacked to pieces
- 09:39 – the conspirators transmit a radio message impersonating Ziad Jarrah, one of the "pirates" of flight 93
- 09:41 –unit 105 from Arlington County Fire Department arrives at the Pentagon
- 09:42 approx. – the E-4B comes back over the Pentagon and circles it a couple of times
- 09:45 – flight 93 takes off from Harrisburgh
- 09:45 – the american airspace is shut off; all incoming international flights are diverted
- 09:47 – the conspirators initiates the controlled demolition of the south tower by causing the collapse of some floors around the 90th
- 09:47 – the conspirators impersonating Jeremy Glick announce to his wife that the passengers are voting to decide whether to revolt
- 09:49 approx. – after a lengthy detour over the Atlantic, the F-16 from Langley air base finally reach Washington
- 09:50 to 10:15 approx. – the conspirators scatter parts of flight 77's double all over the crash scene at the Pentagon; they cross the security perimeter and sneak between "B" and "C" rings to deposit pieces of the Boeing's nose cone and landing gear; they leave some charred bodies still attached to their seat inside the building; they also attempt to make all traces of the Global hawk disappear
- 09:52 – two firemen reach the 78th floor on the south tower and only report two minor fires by radio
- 09:55 – President Bush takes off from Sarasota aboard Air Force One without any precise destination; he circles around Florida
- 09:58 – the conspirators impersonating Todd Beamer announce the beginning of the passenger "revolt" aboard flight 93 to a GTE consumer service supervisor ("let's roll")
- 09:58 – flight 93 is shot down by its double, who continues its course to God knows where
- 09:58 to 10:06 – the conspirators simulates the struggle between the hijackers and the passengers on the controllers radio as well as on the phones of several relatives and acquaintances of the passengers, using a adroitly orchestrated scenario
- 09:59 – the conspirators set off a bomb on the ground floor of the WTC south tower; the 82nd floor falls down, triggering the collapse of the tower
- 10:03 – flight 93 crashes in an abandonned open-quarry mine
in Pennsylvania- 10:05 and herafter – the conspirators collect the remains of the passengers from flight 77, 11 and 175 on the site of flight 93's crash and bring them back to the Pentagon and the WTC
- 10:06 approx. – CIA director George Tenet finally receives the passenger manifests after numerous bureaucratic delays
- 10:08 – the C-130 from the Pentagon arrives at the flight 93 crash site to confound again any eyewitness
- 10:10 approx. – Vice-President Cheney authorizes the shooting of flight 93, apparently unawares that it already crashed
- 10:10 – The military level of alert is raised to Defcon 3
- 10:15 – the front wall of the Pentagon's damaged section collapses
- 10:20 – aboard Air Force One, President Bush tells Vice-President Cheney that he has greenlighted the shooting down of any suspect plane if necessary
- 10:28 – the conspirators cause a local earthquake at the base of the WTC north tower, and then set off a bomb on the ground floor; the 98th floor falls down, causing the collapse of the tower
- 10:31 – the FAA authorizes back military and police flights
- 10:35 – Air Force One finally decides on a destination and sets course to Barksdale base
- 10:38 – Andrews air base's F-16 are redeployed after their return from their exercise
- 10:42 – two F-16 take off from Hancock air base
- 10:45 – Major Gibney, who is in fact a lieutenant-colonel take off from Fargo, N.D. heading for Bozman, Mont., to be used as a patsy for the shooting down of flight 93
- 11:45 – Air Force One land on Barksdale base in Louisiana
- 10:50 – a local farmer flies over flight 93's crash site in a Cessna
- 12:00 approx. and herafter – Senator John McCain (R) multiplies tv interviews; he invariably states the necessity of retaliating not only in Afghanistan, but also in Irak, Iran and Syria as well; he will declare during an interview on CNN a couple of days later: «it is evident that Irak is on top on the list»
- 12:15 approx. – the entire american air space is at last empty of all commercial or private traffic
- 17:20 – collapse of World Trade Center 7
- 20:00 and hereafter – flights 175 and 11 take off from Harrisburgh by remote control and are sent towards the Atlantic Ocean to be sunk
Well, this is not working, it's even more fucked up as it is. This is worse than the Gordian knot.
Anyways, that doesn't change anything. Of course, it's all highly speculative, and there are a lot of details that could be different: we could very well for example switch the Global Hawk with an AGM-86D in our scenario, which would have the merit of being more consistent with the size of the hole as a Global Hawk is about as wide as a Boeing. Or we could imagine that the passengers and crews of the planes have in fact never even existed, that their identities were made up out of the blue and that amateur actors have been hired to play the role of the grieving families.
But regardless of all the variations, the working principle remains the same: never in the history of mankind a group of conspirators have spent so much energy and ressources, involved, bought off or duped so many people, conceived a plan so hairbrained and so complex in its conception as well as in its execution. The number of official agencies that they had to let in the plot, the staggering amount of money that they had to invest (you have any idea how much a Boeing jumbo jet costs?), the thousands, even the millions of man-hours of preparation (picture yourself filing away all the serial numbers on the two million parts that make up a Boeing), the sheer Mount Everest of governmental paperwork that they had to glean and get rid off, not to mention all of the authorizations, clearances and permits that they had to obtain to access them.... never a plot will have necessitate so much to in the end amount to so little.
And I stress "so little". You may think that I'm coming apart at the seams by referencing to 2700 dead and a dozen destroyed buildings as "so little", but I'd like to remind you that three farmers, operating under a five figure budget, managed to kill 168 people and razed a 10-story building in Oklahoma City in 1995; if Tim McVeigh could have afforded the retail price of a single 757 Boeing airliner, there's no doubt in my mind that he would have succeeded in leveling the entire city.
As for the Reichstag conspiracy... yeah right, you want to talk about the Reichstag, by all means, let us: a handful of nazi conspirators led by Hermann Goering come in contact with a communist political activist fallen on hard times, pretend to befriend him and eventually end up putting up in his somewhat confused mind that you know what it would be a swell idea to set fire to the Parliament; they open the doors for him and while he runs around the Commons they spill gasoline in the basement. And that's about it. Total cost of the operation... well, how much was worth a jerrycan full of gasoline in 1933?
Six days later, the Nazi Party won the election, and thanks to the dismantling of the Communist Party got hold of the majority. The next month, Hitler assumed absolute power by suspending the constitution. If the original intent of the september 11 conspirators was to establish a fascist state, the least we can say is that the nazis could teach them a thing or two: in a totalitarian regime the Democrat Party would have been dissolved a long time ago and all its leaders arrested as well as the entire staff of the Washington Times, not to mention all those smart-alecky wiseguys a la Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert who would have been sent hammering rocks in a concentration camp ages ago.
I won't budge on this one: the intention of the conspirators, their modus operandi have conformed to the letter to the motto why make it simple when you can make it complicated. It is obvious that the whole ordeal had never constituted a means, but in fact an end in itself. No force on earth will ever convince me that an underground organization who had enough leverage to be able to embezzle 1.3 trillion (that's right, 1 300 billions) dollars from the most powerful organization on the planet could have even for one second thought that they needed to blow it all in such a boondogled plan to take a power that in the end they in effect already possessed.
Only Rube Goldberg and his disciples conform to the psychological make-up that would satisfactorily explain the behavior and actions of the conspirators. As far as I'm concerned the final conclusion is inevitable: the 9/11 conspiracy was a Rube Goldberg device.
P.S.: I've just been told that Rube Goldberg died in 1970, or 31 years before the events. Well, well, how convenient, an ironclad alibi! When I said they thought of everything... if you thought you would get me with that one, think again, in your face: as far as I'm concerned, it only strenghtens my convictions. Besides, how do you know he's not alive somewhere on a deserted island? Heads you lose, tails I win: welcome to the wonderful world of conspiracy theorism.
May 24, 2010
You're never bored when you're paranoid- the truth behind 9/11, part 3
This is the third part of a four-part series: for the other parts, click here: 1st part, 2nd part, 4th part
A favorite theme of Rube Goldberg in his drawings of combobulated machines was the introduction of an animal's action in tyhe mechanism, for example a parrot jerking up upon receiving a kick in the butt, or a hamster starting to gallop in his wheel after a stimulation of some sort. The idea was of course to take the complexity and uncertainty factor up a notch. Needless to say, people who build rube goldberg devices as a hobby or for contests hardly ever use animals in their machines, if at all.
Well, not only the 9/11 conspirators introduced the animal factor in their plan, but they went all out and selected the most unpredictable, the most random of them all: the human, namely the passengers of flight 93.






What would be a good rube goldberg without its domino chain? Our conspirators understood that well and went to the point of using whole skyscrapers in lieu of dominoes. I've said it before and I'll say it again, why make it simple when you can make it complicated?
Tomorrow, the conclusion
May 23, 2010
You're never bored when you're paranoid- the truth behind 9/11, part 2
This is the second part of a four-part series: for the other parts, click here: 1st part, 3rd part, 4th part
That was for the World Trade Center (actually there's more but I'll get back to it later); we'd think that our conspirators would be satisfied with it and leave it at that, but that's misunderstanding the philosophy of Rube Goldberg's disciples: when they want to indulge in the convoluted they mean business. For the Pentagon they would elevate elaborateness to a whole new level.





Okay, Shanksville's is still up; to be continued tomorrow.
By the way here's a link that isn't particularly relevant, but is certainly ironic given the circumstances (look at the date)
May 22, 2010
You're never bored when you're paranoid- the truth behind 9/11
This is the first part of a four-part series: for the other parts, click here: 2nd part, 3rd part, 4th part
I found out who perpetrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks, or more precisely who was behind it: Rube Goldberg. If you dont know who that is, you can always check WikiPedia, but to make it short, Rube Goldberg is a cartoonist famous for having invented in his drawings an astounding array of hairbrained contraptions each more ludicrous than the preceding, so famous that his name is now used to designate the genre: if you played Mousetrap when you were a kid, you've seen a classic example of a "rube goldberg machine".
So what has any of this to do with September 11? Well, nothing, if you believe the official story, namely the one that says that Osama Bin Laden, at the head of an international terrorist ring, has selected amongst a seemingly unending source of brainwashed loonies 19 of the best (including a half-dozen who have some experience as airplane pilots), and sent them on a suicide raid against three landmarks representing the three pillars of America's power (government, banks, army). Simple, straightforward, efficient, badabing badaboom, no useless complications, no horsing around. Even if the operation hasn't turned out to be a complete success, the beauty in the plan lays in its simplicity, by implicating about thirty people at most. Keep it simple, stupid.





And when I say complicated, I'm really understating. If you thought it was over, think again, the fun has just begun. But this is beginning to get tiresome, so I'll take a break. To be continued tomorrow.
May 16, 2010
We didn't start the fire
A major hit in 1989 was "We didn't start the fire" from Billy Joel. The concept was to resume 40 years of events in one song, from the end of WW2 up to 89. So I thought to myself, why not remake it and turn up an updated version, from 1989 to today?
One damn good reason why not is that is was one of those things that I figured would be done in an afternoon and would wind up taking me a month and a half, but as usual I had no clue and by the time I realised it it was too late to stop. It was worth it though: it has been a great opportunity to take a stroll through the past; sure is a lot that happened last twenty years.
You can find the original lyrics on Billy Joel's official site; Teacher Oz's site also has them, with relevant links to various sites.
I tried as much as I could to keep the original meter to facilitate the transition, while respecting the concept of staying in chronological order. That was anything but a walk in the park, but I suppose I had it easy compared to the original: if Billy had twice as much years to work with, he didn't have access to Wikipedia. I think he must have spent weeks perusing old newspapers in the local libray; in any case I tip my hat to him.
"We didn't start the fire", Billy Joel; revisited by moi.
Exxon Valdez, Botha falls, Field of Dreams, Berlin wall
Salman Rushdie, Bush and cocaine, riots in Tiananmen
Lech Walesa, Noriega, Trafalgar Square, free Mandela
East Germany, West Germany, Leonard Bernstein
Rodney King, Ötzi, Desert Storm, Mercury
Hussein, Terminator, and the Silence of the Lambs
EuroDisney, Clinton, Europe's got a union
Randy Weaver, LA riots, Soviet Union goodbye
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Stephen Hawking, Escobar, NAFTA and Bosnian war
don't ask don't tell, David Korech, Jurassic Park
Rwanda, Kurt Cobain, Ayrton Senna, sarin
baseball on strike, Woodstock 94
Listyev, Sampoong, O.J. Simpson's on the run
Unabomber, Carl Sagan, Kevin Mitnick, Cal Ripken
Deep Blue, Tim Leary, Colalympics, Dolly
Larry Flynt, JonBenét, Oklahoma City
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Lady Di, Applewhite, cartoon seizures, Phoenix lights
Gingrich, oil-for-food, gunfight in North Hollywood
Lewinsky, Stephen Glass, Aryan Nations' anthrax
McLibel, Ken McDuff, US versus Microsoft
dot-com bubble, Kenya, Columbine, Viagra
Kosovo, Matrix, Y2K is all fixed
Euro, Melissa, Dubya in Florida
Milosevic, Putin, Rage Against The Machine
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Pakistan, Chavez, Elian Gonzalez
Napster, Potter, AOL Time Warner
spy plane stuck in China, talibans and Al-Qaeda
iPod, Google, monolith in Seattle
Enron, Barry Bonds, Roy Moore and the Commandments
Twin Towers blown away, what else do I have to say
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Daniel Pearl, Tama-chan, Saddam Hussein back again
Hans Blix, Idol, East Timor, Jintao
Powell, Limbaugh, Abu Ghraib, shock and awe in Baghdad
Michael Jackson's Neverland, Chechen terror in Beslan
global warming, Kim Jong-Il, Al Jazeera, human shields
Lance Armstrong, Superdome, SARS, meth, Colbert bump
ethanol and food riots, banks are pleading for bailout
Barackobamania, I can't take it anymore
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
It will still burn on, and on and on and on...
You try this in your next karaoke party.
May 10, 2010
To whom it may concern
You are stupid
You are incredibly stupid. Completely stupid. Extremely stupid. Resolutely stupid. Irremediably stupid. Undeniably stupid. Uncompromisingly stupid. Abysmally stupid. Unbelievably stupid. Fantastically stupid. Perfectly stupid. Amazingly stupid. Profoundly stupid. Indubitably stupid. You are stupid beyond measure, stupid beyond belief, stupid beyond mortal comprehension. The definitive, ultimate stupid. You're so fucking stupid it blows the mind.
Saying you are stupid is not childish name-calling: it is an inevitable, inescapable conclusion supported by all logical, empirical and physical evidence. Calling you stupid is nothing but the realisation of a self-evident truth. Your stupidity is stupefying, astounding, flabbergasting. Your stupidity is enormous, gigantic, gargantuan, titanic, cosmic.
You are so stupid that you need an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes. You are so stupid you couldn't find your asshole even if you had a map. So stupid you put curtains on your computer screen cause you heard it runs on Windows. You are so stupid you couldn't outsmart your way out of a nosepick.
If there was a company named Stupid inc., you'd be the CoB. If there was a town called Stupidville, you'd be mayor. Stupidland? You'd be president, of course. And the Stupidsons consider you their patriarch. The National Stupidity League named you MVP. The Stupidity Hall of Fame bears your name. You invented virtual stupidity, the autostupid, the stupidomatic, stupidware, the stupidorama.
Your stupidity defies all accepted logic; it violates all physical laws of the universe. It transcends all cultures, all languages. You bring stupidity to a whole new dimension. Astrophysicians try to express your stupidity in numbers and fail. The Unified Theory of the universe will have to take your stupidity into account.
You are a mass of raw, primal stupidity so incredibly compressed no intelligent thought can escape. You are the proof that stupidity is an elemental force, stronger than light, gravity and even the nuclear forces. You are the largest single emitting source of stupidons in the Universe. The thinnest vacuum is not found in intergalactic space but in your interaural space. The relativistic universe deals with the infinitely big, the quantic universe deals with the infinitely small: your universe deals with the infinitely stupid. You are stupid squared and cubed, stupid to the nth power, exponiental, logarithmical, factorized stupid. You are the quintessence of stupidity.
You were born where men are men and sheep are nervous. You were conceived during a power failure that followed a drinking binge. Your conception was an abomination, and your birth a crime against nature. When they realized the magnitude of the heinous crime they just perpetrated, your parents slashed their wrists with rusty razor blades in the vain hope of atoning for the irreparable damage they had caused this world; visitors now line up in the cemetary to piss on their graves. On their tombstones, this epitaph: "If only we'd made a stain on the sheets instead of a stain in society!".
You are mega-stupid, trans-stupid, arch-stupid, super-stupid, hyper-stupid, giga-stupid, supra-stupid, ultra-stupid, pan-stupid, omni-stupid, stupidissimus, überstupid, stupidologist, stupidographist, stupidocrat, stupidician, stupidophile, your motto is 'stupidum ad stupidem', your philosophy is stupidism, your ethnic grouping is stupidian, your native speech is stupidese, your heritage is stupidarchy. You are stupid extraordinaire, stupid emeritus, Sir Stupid, Lord Stupid, His Stupidity, Stupidex Maximux, il Stupido de tutti stupidi, le Stupide, das Stupid, le Stupidos, International Grand Master of Stupid, Ultima Stupide.
You are Stupidity Incarnate. The Son of Stupid, sent in the world by Stupid Himself to stupidify the human race. Stupid people all over the world look to you as their Lord and Saviour. You are Stupid's warrior, Commander in Chief of the Stupid Army, Defender of Stupidity, Guardian of the Word of Stupid, Archdeacon of the Church of Stupid, Supreme Hochmeister of the Stupid Crusade, Holy Knight of the Order of the Stupid Table, Grand Wizard of the Secret Conclave of Stupid, Cosmoplanetarian Messiah of the Children of Stupid. You are the Elected, the Chosen One prophecized by the Book of Stupid.
You are an apology of stupidity. An elogy of stupidity. A symphony of stupidity. A rhapsody of stupidity. A resume of stupidity. A revelation of stupidity. An encyclopedia of stupidity. You are an idiot, a dimwit, a shit-for-brains, a turd, an imbecile, a nincompoop, a twit, a twat, a moron, a fool, an asshole, an asswipe, a spam-brain, a bimbo, a dumbbell, a mushhead, a redneck, a dickwad, a vegetable, a retard, a fucktard, a homie, a hoodie, a lamer, a poser, a loser, an ignoramus, a pseudo-intellectual, a jughead, a birdbrain, a zombie, a neocon, a thumper, a target audience, a consumer, a minus, a simpleton, a clown, a buffoon, a newfie, a newbie, a mongolian, an okie, a dope, a screwball. You are dumb, foolish, silly, thick, sheepish, brainless, simple-minded, inbred, colonial, corny, bigoted, narrow-minded, illiterate, incompetent, ignorant, dull-witted, remedial, pathetic, you're not the brightest penny in the foutain, the light's on but nobody's home, you can't count to twenty with your shoes on, you're a sorry excuse for a human being, you're fugly, you're dirty and you stink. You are an epiphany of stupidity.
For centuries, philosophers have asked the question "How stupid can one get?"; but looking at you one wonders if we really want an answer to that. Such stupidity bears not thinking too much about.
I could go on like that for hours, but I've had enough. I'm sorry, you are just too stupid. You are so stupid in fact you're probably thinking I'm not talking about you.
May 9, 2010
The Vietnam Memorial
The Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, one of a three-part monument, is a wall upon which are inscribed the names of all the US soldiers killed and missing in action in the Vietnam war. Measuring 150 meters long, the monument is formed of two triangular sections leaning on each other back-to-back, each measuring 3 meters high at their apex and tapering to 20 cm at their extremities; by joining them alongside their hypothenuses, we would obtain a 75 x 3.2 meters rectangle, or 240 m2.
58 260 names were engraved on it as of february 2009; divided by 240 m2, we have 1 name per 41 cm2, or a little less than 243 names per square meter.
If we were to add the 220 357 south-vietnamese, 4960 korean and other american allied soldiers, we'd have a total of 285 831 names: we would then need 1176 m2, or keeping the same height, a 735 meters long wall, and it would have been necessary to move the Lincoln Memorial to give it room. If their north-vietnamese opponents would get the idea of building their own memorial to put their 1 176 000 losses, they would get a 4839 m2 wall, or 3.02 kilometers long.
At the other end of the scale, a monument dedicated to the 4251 GI killed in the Irak war would be 17 meters square, or 11 meters long and would easily fit in a shipping container; as for the 390 Coalition casualties of the Gulf war, they give us a 1,6m2 wall or 50cm long, or rather should we say wide as this monument wouldn't look so much like a wall than a stick actually.
The 417 american soldiers killed in Afghanistan would fill 1,8m2; the 107 canadians, a 12 cm wide post.
The 45 300 canadian soldiers fallen during WW2 would give us a 116 meters wall; meanwhile, with 416 800 killed in action the americans would fill a monument 1,07 kilometers long.
The french wall with its 215 000 names would measure 552 meters; or by keeping the original length, a 11,39 meters high monument which could perhaps suffice to outshade another wall, of shame this one, where would be inscribed on 102 meters the 40 000 french that fell under german or Vichy flags.
Speaking of walls of shame, the names of the 5 533 000 fallen germans would have covered 6,23 kilometers of the Berlin Wall, or a little less than 5% of its length.
The exact length of the soviet monument more than any other is open to debate, but it is certain that with somewhere along the lines of 10 and a half million casualties, the Red Army would deserve the Mother of all Walls, of which the 4,3 hectares of names would fill a monument as long as 27 kilometers; one extremity would be situated in the middle of Capitol Heights, and the other would end in Arlington, somewhere between Mason District Park and Barcroft Lake; its construction would have taken 10 years. If it was built with the original length, its summit would culminate at 288 meters, twice the height of the Washington Monument. For every meter separating Moscow from Berlin, six soldiers of the Red Army gave their lives.
Concerning World War I however, the Russian Empire yields the top step to Germany, with a 4,7 km wall compared to 5,2 km. France's wall measures 3,6 km, England and Ireland's 2,3 km, the U.S. 300 meters and Canada 167 meters.
667 000 americans were killed in action in the course of all the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries; a 1,7 km wall, compared to 2,7 km for all the americans victim of homicide during the same period. In total, about 34 000 000 soldiers have fallen in the 20th century, a wall nearly 85 km running between Manassas and the Chesapeake Bay; 14 hectares of names which would end up costing over 2 billion dollars upon its completion slated for 2035.
As for the civilians... you know what, I don't even want to talk about it.
WikiPedia (Vietnam Veterans Memorial, World War I casualties, World War II casualties, Iraq War, Coalition casualties in Afghanistan, Gulf War)
Google Maps
Twentieth Century Atlas.